Product Description
EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous Capsules for Bone, Joint, and Muscle Health | Stimulates Bone Growth, Increases Collagen Production, Improves Joint Discomfort & More...
EZorb Calcium is a plant based calcium aspartate anhydrous supplement that absorbs at an unprecedented 92%. This is simply the highest absorption rate of any calcium product on the market and the secret to resolving your bone, joint and muscle health challenges. This makes EZorb Calcium the best calcium supplement available anywhere. Raw materials of EZorb Calcium Capsules (on this page) and EZorb Calcium Powder are made of organic compounds and extracted from plants and vegetables in America and guaranteed to be soluble for maximum absorption.
EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous Holds The World's Record for Calcium Absorption at 92%,
And because of that... The Benefits To Your Health Are Quite Stunning!
When your body receives the proper amount of highly absorbable calcium on a daily basis, you will notice many excellent health benefits
- Grow stronger, healthier bones improving your bone density
- Eliminate pain and dissolve bone spurs such as foot spurs, heel spurs, shoulder spurs, elbow spurs, spine spurs, hip spurs, cervical spurs, achilles heel spurs, plantar spurs
- Helps relieve bone pain, joint pain, nerve pain, back pain, and muscle pain
- Helps restore damaged cartilage by enhancing joint metabolism and increasing Type II collagen production
- Stimulates osteoblasts (bone forming cell) activities to make sure calcium is converted to bone mass
- Encourages production of joint collagen and synovial fluid
- Protects your teeth by keeping the jaw bone strong and sturdy throughout your life, which ensures tight fitting teeth
- Helps in transportation of nutrients into cell membranes
- Helps to maintain a healthy pH level, thereby improving your vitality and overall health
- Helps cardiac muscles to contract and relax properly
- Plays a crucial role in nerve transmission and muscular function
- Helps to improve sleep, reduce fatigue and muscle pain
- Read customer reviews taken from our other company website
Who can benefit from this highly effective calcium supplement? EVERYONE!
EZorb Calcium is simply the highest absorbing calcium supplement on the market today and the best calcium supplement for women, children and men. If you want maximum effectiveness from a calcium supplement, it MUST have a high absorption rate.
- Adults and Seniors: As we age our bones become more porous and weak resulting in osteoporosis which can lead to fractures and broken bones. EZorb Calcium is going to provide your body with highly absorbable calcium to strengthen and defend your bones, support healthy joints and muscles and speed up recovery from accidents and injuries.
- Children & Teens: It is never too early to get children and teens started on a quality calcium supplement to help them develop strong bones and strong, healthy, tight fitting teeth.
- Pregnant Women & Nursing Mothers: EZorb provides the extra calcium needed during this critical time in life and is hands down the best calcium supplement for women.
A typical calcium supplement absorbs 5% to 25%. Due to these very low absorption rates it can cause a variety of health problems for consumers such as calcium deposits, stones, bone spurs and constipation. Because of the 92% absorption rate of EZorb Calcium there is no need to worry about painful kidney stones, small intestine stones, and G.I. distress. In fact, with EZorb Calcium, you will not experience any of the other typical side effects of consuming a low absorbing calcium supplement.
Why EZorb Calcium is so effective for all types of bone, joint and muscle disorders?
Due to the high absorption rate of EZorb Calcium, it has the ability to raise your bone, joint and muscle metabolism. As we grow older our metabolism naturally slows down, when that happens we begin to experience all types of bone, joint and muscle health challenges including arthritis, osteopenia, osteoporosis, bone spurs, fibromyalgia, etc. For some people this process happens faster than others. That's why some people experience bone loss, muscle and joint pain and bone spurs in their 30's or 40's.
The only way to correct all those problems is to raise your bone, joint and muscle metabolisms. That's exactly what EZorb does and that's why EZorb Calcium is so effective against many bone, joint and muscle health challenges.
EZorb Calcium For Bone Health
There is no other calcium supplement on the market that can be compared to EZorb Calcium with its unmatched, high absorption rate and high bio availability. Its unique approach of increasing bone density by stimulating osteoblasts (bone forming cell) activities to make sure calcium is converted to bone mass. That's why EZorb is so effective in building strong healthy bones.
In addition to building strong healthy bones, EZorb Calcium has the unique ability to relieve pain caused by bone spurs in any part of the body. A bone spur, also called an osteophyte, is an abnormal growth of bone on top of normal bone. Although it is called a spur, a bone spur is not sharp. It is actually smooth to the touch. But because a bone spur grows on top of normal bone where it doesn't belong, it can press on other bones as well as on ligaments, tendons, and nerves, wearing them down and causing pain.
Since bone spurs are calcium deposits, it might seem strange that in order to stop a calcium deposit, you need to increase your calcium intake. In order to understand this paradox it is important to understand the process of a bone spur formation.
What happens is that when the body's store of calcium is running low, it begins to extract calcium from the bones of the body, especially from a part that is weak. As the calcium is being slowly withdrawn from the bone in question, it causes what may be called an eruption from which the bone material is drawn out into the blood stream. This eruption is the bone spur, and it will carry on extracting its contents until the right amount of calcium along with other vital minerals is provided by the body. This leaching process of the bone spur is best eliminated by supplementing your diet with a highly absorbable calcium supplement. Whether you have foot spurs, heel spurs, spine spurs, achilles heel spurs, shoulder spurs, cervical spurs, elbow spurs or plantar spurs, EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous is the most effective bone spur treatment anywhere.
EZorb Calcium For Joint Health
EZorb encourages production of joint collagen and synovial fluid so that joint cartilage is repaired and joints are kept lubricated. EZorb is unquestionably the best calcium supplement on the market for joint health. All of these Amazing actions is what sets EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous apart from the competition.
EZorb Calcium For Muscle Health
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is necessary to help muscles and blood vessels contract and expand. Giving your body the proper amount of highly absorbable calcium can help your muscles function better, relieving pain and tightness.
In closing, EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous is the most effective calcium supplement we have ever experienced for all types of bone joint and muscle health challenges, AND...our customers tell us that EZorb Calcium is the most effective calcium supplement they have ever tried. EZorb Calcium can help you improve your bone density, relieve joint pain and relieve muscle, nerve and back pain. All of these fantastic health benefits is why EZorb Calcium has been one of our top three selling products for over ten years.
EZorb Calcium Dosage Instructions:
Unlike other calcium supplements, your dosage will be determined by two factors. The first being your weight, see chart below. Second, choose from the JumpStart Daily Dosage or Optimum Daily Dosage. There is no need to space out dosage, or take more than once a day with the exception of Fibromyalgia customers. See instructions below.
- JumpStart Daily Dosage is the highest dosage for your weight range for the first 90 days. This dosage is especially helpful for anyone that is dealing with pain and wants to accelerate their improvements as quickly as possible.
- Optimum Daily Dosage will give you the optimum daily amount of highly absorbable calcium your body needs.
EZorb Calcium is available in capsules (on this page) or powder and can be taken with or without food.
Special Instructions for Fibromyalgia Customers : Fibromyalgia customers should avoid taking this product in the afternoon or early evening. Some Fibromyalgia patients may feel sleepy after taking EZorb in the afternoon or early evening. Fibromyalgia patients should take this product twice a day, in the morning and at night, half an hour to one hour before bedtime.
Drug Interaction : EZorb has not been found to interact with any other medications or supplements.
Side Effects : EZorb does not have any known side effects
EZorb Calcium Daily Dosage Chart
JumpStart Daily Dosage- First 90 Days
Optimum Daily Dosage
<100 lbs
6 Capsules or 2 tsp Powder
4 Capsules or 1.5 tsp Powder
101 lbs - 160 lbs
8 Capsules or 2.5 tsp Powder
6 Capsules or 2 tsp Powder
161 lbs - 210 lbs
10 Capsules or 3.5 tsp Powder
8 Capsules or 2.5 tsp Powder
211 lbs - 270 lbs |
12 Capsules or 4 tsp Powder
10 Capsules or 3.5 tsp Powder
271 lbs >
14 Capsules or 4.5 tsp Powder
12 Capsules or 4 tsp Powder
EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous FAQ, Research, & Articles
- Effects of Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous on Treatment of Osteoporosis
- Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous for Increasing Knee Cartilage Volumes in Arthritis Patients
- EZorb Calcium Frequently Asked Questions
- Which is More Effective, EZorb Calcium or EZorb Powder?
- How and Why Bone Spurs Form and How to Eliminate Them Naturally Without Invasive Treatments
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Product Reviews
33 Reviews
Although I was very skeptical about yet another product that stated its health benefits, I rate this product very highly. I suffer from severe osteoarthritis of the hip. This product has provided relief as stated. I also believe the body absorption theory. I highly recommend this product.
Wonderful for heel spurs and for loss of cartilage in knees
I had stopped using ezorb for a about 6-8 months thinking that the pain from the heel spur was totally gone. The bone spur didn't come back but my knees began to hurt and click when I walked. I began to use the ezorb again and was relieved of the knee pain. I will not stop using ezorb again.
heal spur pain free
Got this product after reading reviews how it helped with heel spurs it definitely did. I continue with a maintenance dosage and have been pain free from heel spurs for two years now. Plus I like the calcium benefits I am getting. I couldn’t take fosimax which was prescribed for me for osteoporosis I had a horrible reaction to it. So I am confident that EZorb Calcium is helping me with that also.
I was diagnosed with osteopenia and osteoporosis after my bone density test in 2016. I have a digestive sensitivity to most calcium products, but I read the clinical trial results for EZORB and decided to try it. 2 years later my bone density scores improved by 3 to 4% with no other changes in my lifestyle. The test is only scheduled every 2 years by my insurance, but I expect to see similar results next time, and EZORB never causes me any digestive issues.
It Does Work!
I had been using this supplement previously for over a year and then stopped taking it, because of cost. Well, my sciatica pain got worse and had to get massaged more often. Started these up again last month, and do believe I have already improved, once again. I take four a day. I think I'd really better stay with these! I also have been taking devil's claw, MSM and a calcium-vitamin d combo (one a day instead of two)- all for the osteoarthritis in my spine.
Calcium Asparate Anhdrous (EZorb)
I have used EZorb close to 3 years now and have avoided using any other medications for osteoporosis. I"m not showing bone loss as of my last exam.